Safe and Effective: Acupuncture is Approved by the FDA
Acupuncture is part of natural medicine and an effective treatment method for many illnesses. It is FDA-approved - both safe and effective - and is not associated with negative side effects. Acupuncture does not require the use of harmful drugs or X-rays, painful surgeries or other irreversible operations. It is a safe technique that allows the body to heal itself naturally.
Acupuncture actually promotes your body's ability to function by inserting hair-thin needles through the skin at specific acupuncture points. Heat and/or electrical stimulation may also encourage the healing process. You can have peace of mind knowing that acupuncture is noninvasive and painless.
What is Medical Acupuncture?
Many people inquire about acupuncture and want to know the benefits of medical acupuncture on various ailments. It treats a wide range of illnesses, from moderate to very difficult, and is an excellent way to help patients promote, maintain and restore health based upon the principles of natural medicine. There are no chemicals of any kind or invasive procedures used at any time - no X-rays, MRIs, operations, not even a hypodermic needle.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Meridian lines are pathways in the body where vital energy "qi" flows. These channels of energy are encompassed within the body, circulating from the top of our heads all the way down to our toes. The meridian pathways help supply, sustain and provide strength to the tissues for growth, health and life. Any interference bottles up, blocks and restricts healthy flow within our bodies, thus leading to various ailments and diseases.
Acupuncture is used for treatment and maintenance of the body's internal organs to regain constitution and facilitate assimilation, consumption and effective exertion. Acupuncture invigorates the nervous system, where chemicals are liberated in the muscles, spinal cord and brain. The increased liveliness and biochemical equality contributed by acupuncture helps develop invigoration of our own body's ability to regenerate and contribute to our well-being from head to toe and from the inside out.
Learn more about acupuncture at Paloma Medical Group. Call 949-443-4303 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form. Our acupuncture patients come to us from Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Hills and surrounding locations in South Orange County, CA.